Alternative Healing is Woo Woo Nonsense, Isn’t It?

You’ve got a problem that the mainstream hasn’t been able to fix. You’ve tried GP’s, self-help books, yoga, internet courses… but nothing has made you feel good, long-term. So, are you ready to try something a little different yet? Alternative healing works for millions of people, and it could work for you too..

“I was a complete skeptic before I met Bronwyn. I always wanted to believe that there was something bigger than the options I had been given to get me over my slump. And Bronwyn’s reiki showed me that there was. I feel positive moving forward for the first time in ages. Try it!”

— Dominique Geary

Reiki Can’t Really Solve My Problems, Can It?

I know looking for something like reiki seems a little crazy, but trust me, I know how you’re feeling.  I felt the same once. In fact, our stories are probably a little similar…  

I’d reached my mid-30s and my life seemed like it was going well – I had the good job, nice home, friends, etc.  But something wasn’t right.

I still felt… well… a little off. 

But I couldn’t explain what was wrong. I didn’t even know what the problem was.   

Being an NHS nurse, I’d tried traditional western medicine.  I put my full faith in it, but it couldn’t help. It just papered over the cracks of how I felt. That “off” feeling would eventually come back. And you can only hear, “stop eating processed foods” and “exercise more” before you tell your doctor politely where to shove their advice.  I resigned myself to feeling “not right” forever…

…until I found a better way.

Western medicine is highly logical and rational. It works incredibly for so many issues – I’m more aware than most people of its benefits.  But it was clear that I needed a different approach.  Maybe a more human one.  So I started a search for something different. That journey led me to reiki, and the incredible benefits I felt convinced me that I had found something that worked where Western medicine couldn’t. I knew I had to share it. 

The Science

I know what you’re thinking… traditional wisdom like reiki and crystal healing is nothing more than woo woo hippy nonsense… right?  But my personal results aren’t just a weird anomaly.  The science stands up…

The study of quantum physics proved that everything in the Universe is mostly comprised of energy and not matter.  In fact, atoms are about 99.9999999% empty space.  The physical mass inside an atom only takes up the equivalent space of a peanut on a baseball field!  But even though the world is mostly void of mass, doesn’t mean that the things on it are just empty balls of nothingness.  All that empty space inside each atom is full, but its full of energy instead of physical stuff.  And it’s that universal energy that traditional healing manipulates in order to heal people. 

With the right training, the correct intentions, a gentle touch, and a strategically placed crystal or two to help focus the energy, our energy can be guided in a way that promotes internal balance and healing.

Sound crazy? 

Don’t worry.  I thought so at first too. 

But remember, science can’t solve all the universe’s mysteries, no matter how smart we think we’ve become.  I know this firsthand from working in a hospital.  Science can’t tell us why medicine works for some and not for others.  It doesn’t know why placebos can make us feel better.   How does acupuncture work? Even outside of a medical setting, there are strange phenomena we can’t explain using modern science…

Why can we feel someone come into a room even if our eyes are closed?  Why is your gut instinct about a person often correct?  Why do elements of our dreams sometimes come true the next day?  Why do people message or call after you’ve just been thinking about them?  

This could all be proof that there’s something else out there, something bigger or more complicated than humans can imagine.  Maybe some ancient cultures with their natural wisdom could explain some of this stuff far better than we can. Do you know for sure? Would you be willing to put down certainty if there’s a chance that something as mysterious and un-scientifically-explainable could actually work in helping you?

There’s only one real way to find out whether alternative healing works, and that’s to stop listening to the skeptics and take a brave step into the unknown and try it.


How Does It Work?

You don’t have to change your name to “Starlight” and cover yourself in mandala tattoos to feel the incredible benefits of reiki. I mean, you can, but it’s not compulsory. Any old Jeff or Jane can follow the very simple process…

  • Fill in the enquiry form to book your session.

    We’ll speak via phone, email, or video to see what area of your life you need help with. Reiki has been known to help with:

    • Pain and discomfort

    • Stress and anxiety

    • Negative emotions like grief, anger, despair

    • Rebalancing mind, body and spirit to make you feel more like you

    • Remove motivational or emotional blocks so that you can take the next step in your life

    • Help with tough decisions

    • Improve sleep

    • Reduce phobias or remove fears around a specific event or situation

    • Improve self-esteem and self-worth

    • Just feel better and less ‘off’

  • We’ll set up a session either in person or using Zoom (yes, it turns out that energy has no bounds and with the right intention can be manipulated from anywhere in the world).

    If our session is online, you’ll need a quiet space where you can lie down and not be disturbed (you can wear headphones to make sure that happens if needs be!).

    During the session all that’s required from you is to kick back and relax for an hour while I use calming music, mediation, carefully placed crystals, and if we’re in person a light touch to change the flow of your energy to one which benefits you and your chosen goal.

    It’ll feel similar to meditating, hypnosis, or just a damn good nap.

  • We’ll end the session with a chat about any energy blocks that I felt and anything you noticed during the therapy. We’ll also chat about any next steps you can use to keep the incredible feelings you experienced going.

    It's that simple. And I promise, there will be no chanting or weird interpretive dance (unless you want to, of course!)

quartz crystals

“I have had sessions with Bronwyn for various aches and pains also via Zoom and it’s amazing how effective the treatments are. Would highly recommend her! You always feel so relaxed and refreshed after the session - thank you Bronwyn for what you do!”

— Anna P